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Let’s move towards our path without any delay. Today I am showing you the complete Pre Security Path with details.
This learning path will teach you the pre-requisite technical knowledge to get started in cybersecurity. To attack or defend any technology, you have to first learn how this technology works.
The Pre Security learning path is a beginner-friendly and fun way to learn the basics. Your cybersecurity learning journey starts here.
There is completely 5 chapter in this learning path where you will learn about basic cybersecurity, networking, How the web works, Linux and Windows. In each chapter, there is a relevant task which you have to learn and complete the task. All of these tasks focus on a real-world example based.
Chapter 1: Cyber Security Introduction
In this chapter, you will understand why learning the technical fundamentals is important to succeed in your cybersecurity learning journey.
Task 1 Web Application Security
Why understanding how the web works is important
To attack web applications, you need to understand how they work. Hacking websites isn’t some magical process but does come down to knowing how a part of a website functions and being able to identify weaknesses to take advantage of. Once you have a good understanding of the fundamentals, you’ll learn about the techniques and tools used in hacking sites.
If something is vulnerable, it means there is the possibility of it being attacked or harmed. If an application or system has a vulnerability, there is something that can be attacked or taken advantage of (a weakness).
Task 1
1.Read the above and learn how to hack BookFace, TryHackMe’s vulnerable social media site.
No answer needed2.What is the username of the BookFace account you will be taking over?
We can see that the profile URL which contains the username.
Ans: Ben.Spring
3.Hack the BookFace account to reveal this task’s answer!
Ans: Try to reproduce and brute force the reset password with a code min(1) and max (10000) value. You will get the reset password log in to it. You will access the flag that was the answer. Submit it.Hint: Flag Start with THM{}
Task 2
Network Security
Why networking is important?
Networking is really important to understand in cyber security. From scanning and identifying who and what is on a network, to reviewing network logs to monitor and track what users have been up to will require you to have an understanding of how networks work.
TryHackMe’s Complete Beginner learning path will walk you through the networking concepts and give you enough knowledge to get started in your cyber security journey.
1.Read the above, and see how Target was hacked on the right hand side.
Ans: No answer needed
2.How much did the data breach cost Target?
Ans: .$300 million — The amount it cost Target in data breach lawsuits.
Task 3
Learning Road Map
Above is a learning path roadmap. The Complete Beginner path will teach you the computing basics and introduce you to some security techniques. Once you have the security basics, enroll in either the Offensive Pentesting or the Cyber Defense path.
This is the end of chapter 1 Pre-Security Path.
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Next Chapter 2 Network Fundamentals Continue …